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About the Museum

Let the Museum introduce itself

About Museum of Tarot

Museum of Tarot (or Bảo Tàng Tarot in Vietnamese), founded in 2016 (will officially open in 2017), is located in Can Tho City, in the south of Vietnam. The museum has three themes: Lithotherapy, Cartomancy and Demonology.

It is combined from six main collections related to Tarology:

Fortune Telling Cards (Tarot and Oracles decks), Historical Books and Documents on Cartomancy, Art of Cardmaking and Decoration of Fortune Telling Cards; Amulets and Talismans and Magical Tools; Lithotherapy Crystals and Charmestones; Demonological and Sacred Books and Haunted Objects.

The museum is established in an ancient noble hotel, called “the citron house”, under the Vietnamese renaissance style. This house is sacrificed for the museum by an old couple of lawyer, Anh Ngo and Duong Ho in 2015.


We would like to express special thanks to our honor doners and friends who have given us the precious opportunity to establish this wonderful museum.
List of Museum Heroes: Doners & Sponsors/Parners & Friends of Museum & Officers & Visitors

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Museum of Tarot

Deepak Bhagya

44 Nguyen Khuyen Street, An Cu Ward, Ninh Kieu District

900 000 Can Tho City, Vietnam

Phone: +84 916416409

Email: contact@museum-tarot.org

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Museum Founder

Philippe NGO, Ph.D

Researcher with BNF (National Library of France - BiBibliothèque Nationale de France) in DIGIDOC Project , funded by ANR (French National Research Agency - Agence National de Recherche) on the digitization of old and precious documents of human culture.

Tarot researcher and author of some tarot books. Founder of Tarot Huyen Bi Community and Tarot Viet Service.

Museum Honor

Phung Lam

Tarot researcher and author of some tarot books. Founder of Tarot Viet Service.

He is the biggest doner of the museum with around more than a hundred tarot and oracle decks, with more than a hundred bouddhist and taoist amulets and sacred tools.


Know more about our treasures

Tarot & Oracles & Fortune Telling Cards

Cartomancy Books and Documents

Art of Cardmaking & Decorating in Cartomancy

Lithotherapy Crystals & Charms Stones

Amulets & Talismans & Magical Ritual Tools

Demonology & Haunted Objects

Some Facts about Museum

300 Decorating Objects about Cartomancy (pins, medals, paintings...)
2000 Antique and comtemporary Tarot & Oracles & Divination tools.
200 Cardmaking Plates (Etchings, Woodcuts, Photographic Glass...)
200 Books & Historical Documents about Tarot & Oracles & Magick
2000 Amulets & Talismans & Ritual Tools (Athames, Sigil Seals...)
3000 Charmstones & Lithotherapy Crystals

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BBB033: Lemoulin D'arius

BBB033: Lemoulin D'arius


BBB047:The Vice Versa Tarot Deck: A Dual Perspective on Divination

The Vice Versa Tarot Deck


The Vice Versa Tarot Deck consists of 78 cards, each carrying a unique message and image. These cards are designed with elegance and uniqueness, combining artistry and spirituality. The Vice Versa Tarot is not only a tool for predicting the future but also an inspiration and a means of self-discovery.

In addition to the Tarot cards, the deck comes with a cleansing stone. This stone can help you clear negative energy and create a spiritually harmonious space. Use the cleansing stone alongside the Tarot cards to enhance your experience.

In summary, the Vice Versa Tarot with its 78 cards is an excellent choice for Tarot enthusiasts who want to explore spirituality and the future.

The Vice Versa Tarot is creatively illustrated on both sides of each card, acting as a threshold between worlds. It provides the Seeker with an opportunity to observe a situation from an unconventional perspective. The bold concept of depicting both front and back aspects of each card makes the Vice Versa Tarot a fresh, innovative, and meaningful deck. 

BBB057:Exploring the Allure of the "Coffret du Double Tarot" Deck

Coffret du Double Tarot


In the mystical and captivating world of Tarot, the "Coffret du Double Tarot" deck is drawing significant attention from enthusiasts of divination and astrology. Featured on Amazon India, this product is not just a tool for predicting the future but also a unique work of art. Let's explore the special features of this Tarot deck and why it is worth owning.

Unique and Exquisite Design

"Coffret du Double Tarot" stands out with its unique and exquisite design. The deck consists of two different Tarot sets, each featuring beautifully illustrated cards meticulously detailed. The cards are printed on high-quality paper, providing a firm and durable feel. This blend of art and function helps users easily connect with and understand the messages of each card.

Fusion of Tradition and Modernity

One of the strengths of the "Coffret du Double Tarot" is its fusion of tradition and modernity. This deck retains the classical elements of Tarot while being refreshed with modern illustrations, aligning with contemporary aesthetic trends. This makes it easier for users to approach and utilize the deck in divination or astrological sessions.

An Excellent Tool for Beginners and Experts Alike

Whether you are new to Tarot or a seasoned expert, the "Coffret du Double Tarot" is an excellent choice. The deck comes with a detailed guidebook, helping users understand the meaning of each card and how to arrange the cards. The suggestions and methods provided in the guidebook will help you easily embark on a journey of self-discovery and future exploration through Tarot.

Highly Rated by Users

On Amazon India, the "Coffret du Double Tarot" has received many positive reviews from users. They praise the quality of the deck, the detailed design, and the usefulness of the accompanying guidebook. These reviews indicate that the deck is not only visually appealing but also offers high practical value to its users.


The "Coffret du Double Tarot" is not just an ordinary Tarot deck but a valuable piece of art. The combination of tradition and modernity, along with its high-quality craftsmanship, makes this deck an excellent tool for anyone who loves Tarot. Whether you are looking for a means to explore yourself or a meaningful gift for a loved one, the "Coffret du Double Tarot" is undoubtedly a worthy consideration.

BBB052:The collection of Tarot no.3014

The collection of Tarot no.3014


BBB0068:Exploring the Spiritual Power: The Tarot Hierbas Mágicas Deck at Sencillamente Magia

Tarot Hierbas Mágicas


At Sencillamente Magia, a renowned online store for metaphysical and magical items, the Tarot deck “Hierbas Mágicas” shines like a precious gemstone. This deck combines the art of tarot with the magic of herbs, promising users deep and refined experiences.

Origins and Spiritual Significance The Tarot deck “Hierbas Mágicas” is created by blending two essential elements: tarot and herbs. Tarot is traditionally used as a tool for predicting the future and self-inquiry into the soul, while herbs are recognized for their spiritual properties and healing abilities across various cultures and spiritual practices. This combination results in a unique tarot deck where each card reflects a specific herb and its related spiritual significance.

Design and Imagery The Tarot deck “Hierbas Mágicas” is meticulously crafted with attention to detail. On each card, the imagery of different herbs is vividly depicted, including leaves, flowers, branches, stems, and even fruits. Additionally, each card comes with a corresponding message or meaning, helping users understand the power and significance of each herb within the context of tarot.

Applications and Usage The Tarot deck “Hierbas Mágicas” serves not only as a tool for future prediction but also as a valuable resource for exploring the world of herbs and their spiritual potency. Users can use this deck for traditional tarot readings or delve deeper into the profound meanings of specific herbs in their daily lives. By combining tarot artistry with herbal knowledge, this deck opens new doors for learning and discovery.

Conclusion The Tarot deck “Hierbas Mágicas” at Sencillamente Magia is an excellent choice for tarot enthusiasts who want to explore the world of herbs more deeply. With its beautiful design and profound meanings, this deck promises to provide users with inspiring and insightful experiences. Embark on a journey to discover the power of herbs through the Tarot deck “Hierbas Mágicas”!

BBB064:Explorando el Tarot Fournier Tartesos en Casa Zanzi

Explorando el Tarot


En Casa Zanzi, una tienda de renombre en Argentina, los entusiastas del tarot tienen la oportunidad de sumergirse en el fascinante mundo del tarot Fournier Tartesos. Este mazo, conocido por su rica historia y su simbolismo evocador, ofrece a los practicantes del tarot una herramienta poderosa para la autoexploración y la reflexión espiritual.

Origen y Legado

El tarot Fournier Tartesos tiene sus raíces en la empresa española Fournier, conocida por su dedicación a la fabricación de cartas de juego de alta calidad. El mazo Tartesos, en particular, se inspira en la antigua civilización tartésica, que floreció en la península ibérica en la antigüedad. Esta conexión con la historia y la mitología añade una capa adicional de profundidad y misterio al mazo.

Diseño y Simbolismo

Una de las características más destacadas del tarot Fournier Tartesos es su diseño distintivo y su simbolismo único. Cada carta está ricamente ilustrada con imágenes que evocan la esencia de la antigua cultura tartésica, así como los arquetipos universales que se encuentran en el tarot tradicional. Desde los arcanos mayores hasta los menores, cada carta está imbuida de significado y potencial para la interpretación.

Experiencia en Casa Zanzi

En Casa Zanzi, los clientes tienen la oportunidad de explorar y adquirir el tarot Fournier Tartesos en un entorno acogedor y profesional. El personal capacitado está disponible para brindar orientación y recomendaciones, lo que permite a los clientes encontrar el mazo que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades y preferencias. Además, la tienda ofrece una variedad de recursos complementarios, como libros y guías de tarot, para enriquecer la experiencia del usuario.

Aplicaciones Prácticas

El tarot Fournier Tartesos puede ser utilizado para una variedad de propósitos, desde la autoexploración y la toma de decisiones hasta la meditación y la práctica espiritual. Sus imágenes evocadoras y su simbolismo profundo invitan a los usuarios a sumergirse en un viaje de descubrimiento personal y crecimiento interior. Ya sea que se utilice como una herramienta de adivinación o como un medio para la introspección, el tarot Fournier Tartesos ofrece un camino hacia la comprensión más profunda de uno mismo y del mundo que nos rodea.


El tarot Fournier Tartesos en Casa Zanzi es más que un simple mazo de cartas; es una puerta de entrada a un mundo de significado y posibilidad. Con su diseño cautivador y su simbolismo evocador, este mazo ofrece a los practicantes del tarot una herramienta poderosa para la exploración personal y espiritual. Ya sea que estés buscando respuestas, inspiración o simplemente una conexión más profunda contigo mismo, el tarot Fournier Tartesos en Casa Zanzi te espera para iniciar tu viaje.

Plan Your Visit

Useful Information

Getting Here

Adress: 44 Nguyen Khuyen Street, An Cu Ward, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City, Vietnam.
Phone Number: +(84) 916416409.
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Hours and Admission

All days from 10 am to 17 pm. Closed on the last day and 1st day of solar and lunar new year.
Mandatory reservation 2 days in advanced.
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Plan and Guide

Museum has three floors corresponding to three main themes: Lithotherapy, Cartomancy and Demonology.
You can download brochures, plan and guide here.
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Bookstores and Shopping

You can buy many antique or reproduction objects, directly in the bookstores. You can also buy it online via our partners website, safely with paypal account.
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Events and Exbihitions

You can participe in many events, included workshops, meetings or exhibitions, monthly at the museum. Check our future and previous events!
You can also celebrate your events in the museum.
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Coffeeshop and Salon de The

A small coffeeshop and Salon de The is located directly inside the museum. You can taste your coffee/tea during your visit.
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Tarot Service Center

The museum also has a free-to-use room for the tarot/oracle reading service. All readers are welcome ! The museum also has monthly free tarot courses for everyone !
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Friends of Museum

Why not become our influencers or sponsors or partners or volunteers? You can benefit many offers with the museum. Your help is greatly appreciated!
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Givings and Donations

The museum always needs your helps to enlarge the collections and improve the quality. All givings and donations are welcome. Your help is greatly appreciated !
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Get in touch with the Museum



44 Nguyen Khuyen Street, An Cu Ward, Ninh Kieu District, 900 000 Can Tho City, Vietnam

Phone number

(+84) (0) 916416409

