Piemontese Tarot, B.P Grimaud, c.19th century. Very rare version of Piedmontese Grimaud Tarocco.
Piedmontese cardmakers gradually eliminated the French influence which had pervaded the Tarocco cards of the 18th century. This influence lingered on until the mid-19th century in the case of certain cardmakers, but the pattern under review established itself much earlier than this, probably in the first decade of the century. It began its life in single-figure form, with Italian inscriptions on the trumps and court cards, and introduced the unusual feature of numbering its trump cards with arabic numerals.
Before the Unification of Italy, these cards were made and used within the region, but as the manufacture of other types of Italian 78-card Tarocco packs faded away in the 20th century, the Piedmontese Tarocco is the sole survivor and is used in Italy wherever the 78-card pack is required.
At the end of the 19th century the feature of double-ended court cards and trumps was adopted (see cards illustrated) and this is the version used up to the present time. An occasional pack is known without inscriptions on the court cards.
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